U3A links to Zoom and YouTube talks and courses
Thanks to the fact that so much material can be online these days, it is now possible to attend events such as webinars that are offered by U3As all over South Africa, and also to view their recordings afterwards. The information, for all events that are available to all SA U3As, is now being placed in the Google folder, U3A South Africa, at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DcBXj-ADQxcH96eFk-_1Q7F_lBNCbOx6?usp=sharing. Participating branches will constantly update their own information. You are welcome to browse in U3A South Africa as often as you wish, although we will also send you information on what is available.
You do not have to have Zoom on your computer, tablet or cell phone in order to watch these videos. If you experience any difficulty in watching any of these recordings, please contact your branch chairman who should be able to assist, or direct you to someone who can.
Note that not all branches are recording and sharing their courses and lectures, so it is necessary to browse each folder in order to see what is available. Currently (July 2021) the following branches seem to have added courses / talks / information:
· Stilbaai
· Pretoria
· Overberg (YouTube)
· Knysna
· Johannesburg
· Johannesburg East
· False Bay
· Cape Town
· Atlantic Seaboard