Hiking Groups
For more information regarding the hiking groups mentioned below, please refer to https://sites.google.com/site/u3actwalking/
Mountain Mondays Laura Knight, tel 083 401 2166 laura.knight@telkomsa.net
Flat Earth Walking Group Christine Jones, tel 067 318 4389 or chrisjones2012@hotmail.co.uk
Flying Tortoises Inga Page 072 796 8590 ingapage27@gmail.com
Peninsula Mountain Wanderers Annie Oliveira, 082 781 1809 , ollieo@global.co.za or John French, 082 468 8921, jafenergy@gmail.com
Fynbos Rambles Lidia Fornasari , lidforna@gmail.com or tel 021 782 6466 / 083 721 7228 or Claire McCarthy, 021 789 1334, kandcmccarthy@telkomsa.net
M&S Walking Group Paul Taylor, 084 261 8410, ptaylor@polka.co.za or Gordon Shephard, 082 469 3757, gshephard@mweb.co.za
Hiking for the moderately fit early birds John and Gail Hallett, tel 021 671 3384 or 072 462 6050[J] or 083 655 8388[G}. E-mail to hallettjg@gmail.com
Gentle Gradients - Hilary Harper, 083 298 6985, h2services@telkomsa.net
Mountain Meanders Allen Lang allenlang001@gmail.com Tel 021 689 5030 See https://sites.google.com/view/mountain-meanders-friday
Songololo Stompers Lyn & Ian Abrahamson, 082 441 3751, electricman@iafrica.com
Slowly Up The Hills Walking Group Mary Shears, 083 940 6433, maryshears38@gmail.com
Wacky Walkers Gordon Shepherd 082 469 3757 gshephard@mweb.co.za or Neil Ransome, 0824209465 ndransome@gmail.com
Moonshine Walking Group Walter Behr 078 759 4524 or Les Watson 084 859 1742. Email: moon.n.sunshine@gmail.com. See website: https://sites.google.com/view/m-s-walking-groups-2020/home
Friday Amblers Tim Cronin 021 715 5380, tim@croninsa.co.za